Friday, April 20, 2012

Interactions between heightfield water and object

There are several ways to deal with the interaction between fluid and rigid body:

There are mainly two different ways of interacting with a height field. Either the height field and flow are modified directly or the boundary conditions are modified.
The first approach is used in [CL95, Tes04a] to simulate the motion of rigid objects. In the approach used by [Tes04a] the height of the water is in-creased in front of a moving object and decreased behind it. When an object is submerged the height is increased above it corresponding to the volume of the object and when an object emerges the height is decreased. This approach can also be used to add and remove water.
The other approach is to use handle interaction by applying pressure. When an object is floating in the water pressure is applied to the height field resulting in a lower height below the object.
End Quote  --from Real-time Interactive Water Waves(KTH computer Science and communication)

In this project, we are tyring to use the method discribed in Wave Particles(Cem Yuksel, Donald H.House, John Keyser) for the Fluid to Object Coupling  part.
  • The buoyancy force:
  • The dynamic forces:  are computed over the interface of fluid and object and they are based on the relative motion of the object sufface to the fluid.  The dynamic force consists drag force and and lift force, they can be computed by the following fomula:
The mechanism of Object to Fluid Coupling is shown briefly in the following picture:

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